
Monday, April 30, 2018

Mettaton - Lostfairy's Request

Yessssssssssssssssssss! I'm done the second last art request! *feels happy about self and does a fist pump in the air* XDD

Lostfairy, thanks so much for being okay with all the persistent questions about how you wanted Mettaton to be drawn! 

For all you who don't know, Lost had originally asked for a different art request than this one; but since I hadn't started drawing it yet, she got to change it and instead asked me to draw Mettaton.

Mettaton is from the game called Undertale, which I mentioned in a recent post because I drew Undyne. XD Mettaton goes by the nickname MTT sometimes; hence the reason why I wrote MTT on the drawing. :P Mettaton is an awesome robot with a glamorous sense of humor. He owns a TV show in the game and it has cooking shows, dramatic musicals, and other news reports on there. XD It's hilarious! (Just so y'all know Mettaton is by no means gay or something. He's just glamorous. And I won't ever draw a gay person or something of that type. That is not something I support.) 

I had lots of fun coming up with how to draw his hair. And coloring it was a blast! XD I liked adding the lighter parts to it, which is something I don't do that often. 

The shoulder pads on his armor weren't meant to be so blue - I got mixed up with which marker colored which color... So I wanted to color it the same color as Mettaton's pants but I ended up coloring it navyish gray/black. :P I actually don't mind it! It looks better than I thought it would. ^.^

I used a very light pink when I shaded his face. I think the rest of the pink in his outfit fits nicely together with the shading. 

The pose is not something I made up by myself. Some else had drawn a chibi base and posted it online, and so I looked at that when I was drawing. It was a different angle in the drawing someone else did, but Lost wanted Mettaton to be drawn from a front view perspective. 

Mettaton doesn't actually have the heart in his eye but some fan art artists draw him that way, and I rather like it. ^.^ 

I added hands to MTT because I felt if I did blobby style of hands I had done for Undyne than it just wouldn't look right. Chibi hands are easier and harder than I thought. XD The hand on the left was quick to draw but the other hand took a few tries (like a lot of tries). :P

Thanks so much, sis, for requesting art from me! ^.^ I loved drawing MTT! I think I'll have to do it again soon! ;)

Do you have a favorite video game fandom?

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Oodles of Doodles - Chalk Style

Do you ever want to go do the things you did as a child? Well, I felt like doing that last week. XD

It was really nice outside and my dad was working out in the garage and the driveway area; so I wanted to be with him. And not really wanting to just stand there and watch him work, I grabbed my family's old box of chalk pieces. I started to draw and draw.

It was really fun, actually! I hadn't drawn with chalk in years. :P It's a very different medium to work with. But I think I'll do it more this summer. XD

My lovely sister, Lostfairy, took the photos of my chalk drawings so I could show you on here. Thanks, sis! <3

This first picture is one I drew of some lyrics to one of my favorite songs! It sounds so poetic: "Blue skies painted in my eyes." (You can't really read the words I wrote that has the white background, but whatever. XD I was just trying things out and not caring about perfection. )

This is quote I like to quote a lot in real life. XD I'm random that way; I like quoting certain people for some reason. (In case you can't read what it says, it says, "Must be nice.")

I'm not terrible good at handwriting... But I tried it out with writing the word loved in the phrase you are loved. XD 

This is two little drawings in one picture. XD

The first one, I was kind of thinking of Peter Pan and Wendy... :P Like Wendy would be saying, "Teach me how to fly!" to Peter. And it'd be adorable and stuff. XDD I don't know for sure why my brain went that way but it did. :P

The second one is the way a book series, called Septimus Heap, writes the word magic. I was reading or had just finished reading one of the books in that series when I drew that. :)

This again has two pieces of art in a picture. ^.^

The top one you can't read what it says next to the dandelion but it says, "A dream is a wish your heart makes." You know, like from the old Disney Cinderella movie. I think my dandelion was the best artwork I did that day with chalk. I really like the way everything turned out. XD I think I'll redraw something like that on Chicken Smoothie someday. :)

The bottom one is me trying out what Lost pointed out about the way some artist shade clouds and what I noticed my oldest sis do once for shading the sun. XDD I think it would work better online or on paper; not with chalk. :P

- - -

I'm super happy! My art requests are getting done in time to post them next week! <3 I can't wait to show you!!! Lostfairy's is already done, and Swirl's will probably be done sometime tomorrow! :D 

What's some of your favorite childhood activities? 

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Art Request Number Three Is Done!

Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! The weekend is coming!

And. That. Means. No. School! 

Hallelujah! XD  

My brother, Josiah, requested chibi artwork of one of his favorite characters in the game called Undertale. The character is called Undyne. She's pretty cool sounding to me! I haven't seen or played the whole game so I don't know everything about her character, but what I've heard or seen is neat. ^.^ 

Undyne, I believe is named after water spirits called undines. So that's the reason she has gills and blue skin. XD

I colored this picture with my artist markers and I messed it up a little. DX There isn't supposed to be the line connecting her eye and eye patch... That happened because I accidentally went over that place twice with my markers and doing so left a very clear mark. It's nice for shading when it shows up so vividly that you colored twice in an area; but it's not good if you color messily. Like, *cough, cough* I did. :P

Another little mishap was that one of my markers leaked on the white background of my drawing. So instead of having a just plain white background behind Undyne, I had to improvise and add a pattern of the turquoise dots in the background. :P Tracey gave me the idea to improvise. I think it ended up being better with the pattern than without, actually. c: 

I had quite a lot of fun drawing Undyne's hair, because I loving drawing blowing hair and bangs like that! XD And I don't think I've drawn gills on a person before so that was a lovely new concept for me. :)

Josiah, thanks so much for asking for this art request! Makes me want to draw more Undertale characters. ^.^ I hope I wasn't bothersome when I showed my drawing so many times to make sure I got it right. XDD

Welp, that's all I got for you faeries today! ^.^ So... yeah. :P 

Have you heard of Undertale before? If so, what do you think of it?

Monday, April 23, 2018

Vyntyri - art request

Hey faeries!

I hope you're happy! 'Cause I'm happy! I've finished another art request and I have another one almost done. ;)

Today's art request was from Tracey, my older sister. She wanted me to draw on of her OCs, an evil fairy lady named Vyntyri. 

Tracey was very kind to me and answered my questions and gave lots of reference pictures for how her character was supposed to look like. So thanks, sis, for the pictures and putting up with my constant questions! XD

I tried a little something different with how I colored her. Normally, I color lightest to darkest with shading and stuff. But this time, I colored the darkest parts first. I'm not sure if it really changed a whole lot with how it turned out in the end; but I think I like it. XDD

I was thinking of the way Greek goddesses dress or how I picture how the way goddesses dress when I drew Tracey's character. Egyptian outfits might have been floating around my head, too. XDD Even though, I don't think Egyptian princesses dress that way. :P And I was also thinking of elfin clothes. So basically, I thought of a lot of random things and smushed them together in one drawing. XDD   

I added purple shading to Vyntyri's hair. And when I first colored it in, it was waaaaaay too bright. Made her look like a punk rocker or something. So I erased all of her hair lightly and then colored over with a pale gray again. You can still see the purple but it's not in your face anymore; which was how I wanted it to be.

I also don't really have that many skin tone colors in my set of colored pencils. I have this brown I like to use for shading skin in my drawings, so I used that as the first layer of color for Vyntyri's skin on my picture. It turned out really red-ish brown, so I erased it most of it, but kept a little so you could still see it. Then I colored it over the second time with my peach skin tone colored pencil. After that, I was happy with the skin tone color. XD

Vyntyri is way older than a teenager (which is the age I normally draw :P) so I tried to make her older looking. I think the way I shaped her eyes makes her look older, but I'm not entirely sure. What do you guys think? XD

Thanks again, Tracey, for requesting art! It was quite a fun request to draw; I've never drawn someone looking that before. And I love drawing new things all the time. XD

I have three more art requests left! I should have them all finished by next week Thursday. :D

Thursday, April 19, 2018

I Made a Comic! (But Not Really.)




Uhm, that's not quite how the song goes. :1 Heh. O,o Oopsie.

So, faeries, it looks like I'm back again for the second post this week!

A couple of weeks ago, maybe longer or shorter, I don't really now. Ahem! I mean, a while ago! I got an idea for a drawing. Kinda of a joke drawing. So I guess it would be a comic, but it's not really that, either. I guess you'll have to decide for yourselves if its a comic or not.

I've seen couple pictures of Draco in the first Harry Potter movies where he is wearing this strange little toque... He, like, wears it on the top of head so its barely staying there and it's really long, so it goes to a point at the end, which sticks up in the air. Now, you might be thinking, "Oh, I know what kind of hat that is, Chloe! That's easy to tell! It's a wizard hat. Like, dur, Draco is a wizard so it makes sense if he wore a wizard hat!" 

But, um, no. It's most definitely not a wizard hat. It's a toque... >.<

See? That's not a wizard hat. :P 

So anyway! I randomly thought of what Draco would look like when he's a young adult with that toque on. I decided to draw it. And now you've seen the result of that decision. XD

I added the speech bubble for clarity about the what the picture really means. And to be a little bit funny. XD 

It was rather hard to draw that hand that's pointing up on my Draco picture, but my own hand was a willing model. XD 

I think I've basically memorized Draco's outfit by now (or at least, one of his outfits :P).

I have a lot more comics that are bouncing around in my head, so you'll see some more in the next while. :)

Do you like reading comics?

Monday, April 16, 2018

Sarah's Art Request

Hey! Did ya miss me yet?! XD 

I hope you're as excited for this post as I am! 

Sarah! I finished your art request! I hope you are happy with ittttttt! I had a lot of fun drawing and coloring it. Tracey, my sister, gave me the idea to have the black hair have a blueish tinge to it. :D I colored it that way to differentiate between other blacks in the character's outfit. 

This is one of the first times I erased a little on a person's clothes to give it lighter areas where the light would shine on it. I'm quite happy with the way it turned out, so I think I'll do it more. XD

Sarah's character, Kira, is supposed to have a sad smile; I'm not sure if I accomplished that or not. I don't normal draw sad smiles, to be honest. It was fun, though! To make the girl's eyes look sadder I left a white spot at the bottom of her eyes to make them almost slightly teary...? I don't think teary is the right word to describe them but I don't what other word to use. 

Thank you so much, Sarah, for being so helpful when I had so many questions to ask about how Kira looked like! *whispers* I hope I didn't bother you too much. >.< It was quite enjoyable to get to draw fanart of one of your characters!!! :D

- - -

The next art request I'm planning to do is Tracey's! I hope to be able to draw it this week, if school isn't too intense. XD

I'll see you faeries on Thursday! Cheers! ;)

What do you like to draw the most? Fanart or things you made up yourself?

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Random Art and Art Request Not Done as I Promised it Would Be (sorry about that!) and New Posting Schedule!

*hums to song I'm listening to* 


*foot bounces to the tune* 


*fingers start tapping to the melody*


*sways a little*


*starts danc-*

Okay! I need to stop! XD 

Ahem. I am completely calm. 

*looks away innocently*

Whaaaat? I did not have coffee before writing this post. Heh, heh, why would you think THAT? It's not like I'm acting hyper again! Nope, no way! This girly is not crazy, at allllllllll. *laughs weirdly then coughs because it looks like I'm hyper if I laugh like that and I'm trying to convince you guys I did not drink coffee but is failing so miserably that I break down with plenty of tears and snot and confess that I did indeed drink a cup of coffee and then I beg for forgiveness and promise never to touch that drink again, but we all know that I can't resist a good cup of java and will go back to my old ways in a blink of an eye* 

OM. I'm so, so weird. XD Ignore that crazy intro. :P

You guys remember me drawing the Korok, Makar? Well, this is one of his friends named Hollo. I felt like drawing one more of these little guys. And I have to say, I think this guy turned out better than Makar. D: #Oops. #IshouldhaveshownyouhowtodrawHolloinsteadofMakarbecausethenyouwouldknowhowtodrawthebetteronenottheuglierone :P (If anyone can tell what the loooooonnnnngggg hashtag says, then you get a gold star! XD)

Hollo is like a lot of other Koroks in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game in the fact that he carries two sticks with berries of some sort on them. But I didn't draw Hollo from BOTW; he is technically from Wind Waker. 

*looks at the picture some more and shakes head a little* Hollo has such a strange nose. XDDD But that's how it looks like in the game, so *shrugs* oh well. :P He'll just have to deal with having a very pointy nose... Annnnnd eyes that are different sizes and a funny mouth/chin thingabob???? XDD

I finished coloring my picture of some of Draco's emotions. :D I really, really like the neutral expression. XD I don't know why, but that's my favorite of all the faces I drew on here. ^.^ 

In case you were wondering, when I color his sweater that he wears over the collared shirt, I color it first with a regular black pencil. And the colored pencil I have likes leaving little white spots everywhere unless you color über hard, so I then color it over with my white pencil. 

(Fun Fact: for the longest time I had no idea what the use of a white colored pencil was, but recently-ish I found it is quite handy for blending colors. It kinda smooths them out, if that makes sense. XD Also I have no idea if I have told you all about the white pencil thing before, so sorry if I have!

And then, once I finished coloring all sweater with white, I use another black I have that colors denser than my first black. I shade it with the denser black colored pencil. (The denser black colored pencil is a Prismacolor brand pencil and the other colored pencils I use all the time are of the Staedtler brand.)

- - -

I'm so so so sorry! I promised last week that I would have maybe two art requests done by this week. And-and-and- *bursts into tears* I DIDN'T. I don't. I haven't. I should've. I could've. And *insert all the others words for I lied and didn't do what I promised.* DX

I'm very sorry I didn't get the first one done. I'm super close, though. I have, like, less than half of the picture to color...?

So instead of being able to post the fully colored art request from Sarah (she was the first one to ask for art, and I'm doing a first come, first served kind of thing), I'll show you all a sneak peek of what I've colored so far!

What do you think so far? After I had inked it... I realized I forgot an important detail to Sarah's request. :1 She's supposed to have a cloak. 

And I didn't add it. 


I feel like I'm saying sorry a lot in this post. I'm terribly, terribly sorry, Sarah!!!! I hope you can forgive me... :( I'll try my hardest to make the rest of the coloring make up for that. 

- - -

You're all probably wondering why the ham and eggs would I want a new posting schedule. The reason is... with this new schedule, I'll be posting more frequently and there will be more art spread through out; instead of having an art dump every couple of weeks. I want to share my art with you more. :) 

So! My schedule will be posting every other Saturday instead of each Saturday. No! Don't worry! I'm not finished telling you my whole new schedule yet. And I'll post on every Monday and Thursday! Those two extra post will be a lot shorter because I'll just be posting one piece of art I've done recently, but it won't mean less content for my blog. 

I hope this is okay with you! I really feel like this help me show you more art, which I want to do so badly. If this new schedule is not working for me in the next couple months, I'll switch back to my old one. But starting this week, I'll start the new schedule. :) I'm rather excited! XD

See you on Monday, faeries!!!

*bursts into song*

♫I guess I'm stuck here,

Until my luck clears,

Blue skies painted in my eyes!♫

*wants to keep going but holds back because that would be weird if I sang a whole song on my blog*

*mumbles* I'm. Still. Completely. Normal. 

Heh! Who am I kidding? ♫I'm an oddity but that's alright!

What's your thoughts on my new schedule? 

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Tales of the Month and Art Request Update

*talks in a nice old lady way* Hello, hello! So nice of you to drop by! I hope you'll stay long enough for tea and crumpets.


*stares at what I just typed*

What am I doing?!


Don't ask.  :/ I think it's the coffee again.

*glares at the cold cup of coffee I have sitting next to me*

*Cold Cup of Coffee stares back innocently*

*pauses the music I'm listening to and grabs Cold Cup of Coffee to warm up in the microwave and grumbles the whole way about how this mug can't keep the coffee warm long enough for me to drink it properly*

XDD I have no idea what the heck that was all about. *shrugs* OH WELL. I GUESS YOU'LL JUST HAVE TO DEAL WITH HYPER CHLOE TODAY.

Gravestone by Travis Thrasher

This book is about: After a tragic incident, Chris is left feeling empty. He's always been watched and told that's better to lay low and not do anything, rather than risk everything and know the truth. But in a town like Solitary, where there seems to be more darkness than light, the truth comes at a high price. Chris is torn between keeping his friends and family safe by not investigating the secrets of Solitary or seeking out the source of this darkness that haunts him and destroying it for good.

This was a really good book. But the author is super talented, he can make it feel like so many months have passed for you and you've only been reading the book for, like, a few days. XDD So that was a kinda cool feeling but it was also a tad bit depressing because Chris is feeling so sad. So things are like a blur to him. And he spends most of his time doing the same things and has this pattern of what he does for months on end. Which happens to me in real life, but it's strange reading a book like that. 

All in all, it was a very good book! And I'm super curious about the next one because I've that readers can get very frustrated at Chris. :P 

Run for Cover by Eva Gray

This book is about: Rosie and her three new friends are now certain about what's actually happening at the school. As they make their escape, they soon find that they need to trust one another if they're are going to get to safety. Rosie knows the cost of what it takes to survive, but will they listen to her? And can she trust them with a secret she's never told anyone before?   

I love how this is such a short book but it's written in such a way that there's character growth and you slowly learn more and more about character's backstories and ahhh, its way better than I thought it would be! XD The series is written by four different authors under one name. One for each book, so one for each character. Run for Cover is written by Tui T. Sutherland! And it so feels like Sutherland's writing style! XD (I love her books. #WingsofFirefanforlife and #PetTroubleisadorable) I really like this series. :)

Majora's Mask by Akira Himekawa

This book is about: This book takes place right after Ocarina of Time, so Ganon has just been sealed away and peace has returned to Hyrule. Link's fairy, Navi, is missing. So Link is off again, this time searching for her. He stumbles upon a strange kid, Skull Kid, with a mask, on his journey. The mask, called Majora's Mask, is one that has the power to grant the wearer's every wish. Skull Kid uses this magic to transport Link to a similar but very different universe and turns Link into a Deku Nut! Link tries to find his way back to normal and to Hyrule, but he soon realizes this new world needs a hero more than Hyrule does right now. Does Link have enough strength to save that world from total destruction? 

I love rereading and rereading these Legend of Zelda graphic novels so very much. And the art style and characters are just purely fun to visit again and again. I have read almost every single of the books, except for three, the two Twilight Princess ones and Phantom Hourglass. 

It took me a little while, when I was new to these books, to read the book from right to left, like they do in Japan. But once you're comfortable doing that, it's very easy to read! And I can read one of these in like a day because I can't get enough of Link. XDD

- - -

I want to let all of you who requested art that I should have two pieces done by next week!!! I'm in the middle of working on one now and the next one should be done soon if I can enough to time to draw. XD I can't wait to share them with you!!! :O

Do you have a favorite genre of books to read?