
Saturday, March 31, 2018

Draw Your Favorite Scene - art tag

Hey faeries! *waves*

Sarahkey8 tagged me a couple weeks ago for a art tag called "Draw Your Favorite Scene."

There isn't really any certain rules for this tag. XD I'm assuming that if you want to do this tag, you have to use the picture that Sarah made. :D And tag a few more people, of course. ^.^

Picture made by Sarahkey8

1. What scene would you draw?

Hmmm. This is a super tough question... I think I'd like to draw a scene from one of my favorite series ever, Tyme. It's a fairy tale retelling series. It only has two books so far in the series, but there's one coming out in summer.


There's this really cute scene in the first book, "Grounded: the Adventures of Rapunzel." It's where the main character, Rapunzel and her friend Jack and a pet frog, named Prince Frog have taken rest. It's raining and their in a forest. And Jack had helped Rapunzel use her hair to make a canopy under a tree so rain wouldn't come down on them. Rapunzel is sleeping and Jack was staying up to watch out for bad guys. 

I kinda pictured Jack hugging his knees up to his chest and staring out into the rain sadly and the frog just sitting beside him. And it'd just be so cute!    

2. Why this particular scene?

I'm not sure, exactly. I love those characters a ton and the story itself is amazing. So I, of course, want to draw fan art. XD

And I have this image in my head I can't shake of how I want to draw it. (I think I'd have to draw it online, though. :P) I'm thinking all the colors would be soft and there would be no outlines and even the shadowing would look soft. Does that make sense? 

3. What do you think the easiest part would be?

Uhm. The frog? XDD 

4. What do you think the hardest part would be?

Probably to make Rapunzel look like she actually on the ground sleeping and Jack actually sitting. And just the whole scenery, in general. XDD I need to work on scenery and having characters look like they're in that scene, not just pasted there. XD

5. What would be the funnest part?

*thinks* Well, I like challenges in my art. So it might be the hardest parts that I will enjoy drawing quite a bit. :) And I probably will also have lots of fun coloring Rapunzel's hair. XD

6. Will you ever get to drawing this scene?

Yes. I'd love to draw this scene! Once I'm done all the art requests and another project I should have done a long time ago, I will then draw it. :3 

- - -

Welp, that was a fun tag! Thanks again for tagging me, Sarah! I had lots of fun!!! :D

Now I'm going to tag...


XD *whispers* That means you. Yes, you. You, the person who is reading this. You don't have to be an artist... I think. :P 

Well, anyhoo and anyhow! I hope you all have a wonderful Easter! <3 

Saturday, March 24, 2018

One of My Fave Songs by Owl City

I have this thing where I find a song I love and I listen to it all the time. And Owl City is, like, one of my all time favorite bands, so it makes sense that one of his songs would be one I'd listen to lots. XD

Tidal Wave

Tidal Wave is the song I'll listen to over and over again. There's this one line in it where Owl City sings: "I forget the last time I felt brave, I just recall insecurity." 

That's sometimes the way I feel. I feel as if I don't do anything that's grand or big. Like, I'm a coward for not stepping out of my comfort zone very much. Because I feel as if I just don't know how.

I know that sounds really, really, negative and sad and depressing and every other synonym for unhappy. 

I'm not even sure what I'm trying to get across here. I just want to let all of you who are scared and worried that you are not alone. You are never alone. 

Even if you do something that seems really small that scares you, you're being brave. I don't care if it seems like everyone else was doing that small scary thing long before you. It's your life, not anyone else's. Don't get discouraged if you feel like you're not growing or changing. Change takes time. 

Keep resting in the love God has for you and you'll find that one day, when you need to stand up for something big, you'll have the strength to do it and be brave, be courageous

And do you know why you'll be able to do it? 

It's because for a long time you were learning how much your Heavenly Father loves you with an impossibly huge love, that it doesn't matter to you anymore what other people think. It doesn't matter if you fall or fail. Because you know that God's right there with you and He will help you get back up and encourage you and give you all the grace and mercy and love you'll ever need. 

- - -

Wow, I wasn't expecting to get all deep on you guys. XD I think I was figuring things out for myself, too, as I was typing that up there. 

So... *takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly* Yeah, that's what I wanted to tell you guys. :P The song, Tidal Wave, ends in a much happier note than when it started. It talks about courage is now coming over like a tidal wave. And how you don't need a telescope to see there's hope. 

Rest in God's love and you'll find the courage you need.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

How to Draw: Makar

Hey guys!!! I feel like I haven't seen you in a while, even though it's only been a week! :O XD

I've been watching my bro play so much Breath of the Wild and he keeps finding these little tree people called Koroks that I wanted to draw one of them. Koroks are in a few Legend of Zelda games but Korok I want to show you how to draw isn't from Breath of the Wild...

I know I've done step-by-step's before, but I hadn't done it in the more traditional way. I'm not even sure if there is a "traditional" way, but hoo-dee-hoo-hoo. Don't ask aboot what I just said. I is hyper. This iz whut happenz when I write a blog post when I'z drank coffee recently. XDD

Here's the little guy that I'm showing you faeries how to draw. Makar's from the game called Wind Waker. :3 And Makar plays a violin for Link sometimes and Makar's little friends once "sang" for Link, it was su coot. XD He's rather adventurous for his small size. Which makes him all the more cuter. 

I thought I'd start with a simple circle because we all know how much I love starting my drawings that way. XD Hint: that's, like, how I start 'em all the time. 

And then you draw a rounded cone on top of the circle. :P

And Makar is tree-ish so then you add the twig things on his head, making one taller than the other. :P

And the taller on the two twigs on Makar's head has another teeny, tiny twig sticking out of it.

Now, we draw his arms. (I had a little more difficulty making sure they were the same size. A ruler was handy to have for that. XD) 

Makar's legs were also hard to get to be the same. (Thanks again, Mr. Ruler, for letting me use you. XDD) I also drew a little line in the middle of the first circle I drew so that I would know where the middle of body was. And then I can draw his legs to be the same size a little easier.

The two circles are for Makar's mask. :) His mask is not symmetrical so one circle is bigger than the other.  

And then you draw a few lines to connect the circles to become a leaf mask. Sorry, I didn't know of a way to make that part simpler.

Next, we're going to do the smaller details. Here's the line in the middle of a leaf. (Doesn't it make it look a little more leafy than before? XD)

Now you draw the rest of his mask. Which would be the eyes, the nose and the mouth. XDDD

Then you ink the lines you want to keep. :)

And erase!

Tada! There's my Makar step-by-step! What did you think?

Here's a picture of all the steps, just in case you want to save it. :)

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I cannot believe I've forgotten so many times to say this. But, thank you all for requesting art last month! I will get to drawing them all soon. I hope to have them done by summer. I hope that not too long for you to wait. D: I will most likely get them done before then, but is a deadline for me just so I get them done. :P

What's your favorite video game?

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Oh, Hey, There's More Art, Fancy That!

Oh goodness, it's Friday evening when I'm writing this and I'm so tired. But it helps to listen to Owl City's Cinematic CD. XD Let's see if this will make a lick of sense when I proofread it tomorrow. :P

*hums quietly along to "Not All Heroes Wear Capes"* Man, I love this album... XDD

"Childhood Friendship"


I wanted to try out my alcohol-based markers again. (Last time was a flop. Here's the post about it. XD) I knew chibi was pretty easy to draw so I found a really cute reference base picture and drew it on some watercolor paper my older sis, Tracey, gave me.

You see, my brother, Josiah, got The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (I can't say that name without thinking of DanTDM's way of saying it... XDD) a couple months ago. And he's been playing it all the time with me and my younger sis, Lostfairy, watching. And so, as you can see, I love the game and I love drawing fan art for anything. So! That means I had to draw BOTW fan art!

I was first thinking that it would just be chibi versions of Link and Zelda, but then my dad saw what I was drawing and he said that they looked like little kids. I liked that idea, and I proceeded to simplify their outfits and make them look like kids.

I think this would be kinda how their relationship would look like if they had been friends as kids. XD

"Cool Dude"

Remember when I showed you faeries what I was working on a few weeks ago? Well, I colored it not long after and forgot to post it. XDD (Here's the link to the post.)

(I think he's a pretty cool looking guy. XD)


For all of you who don't know these two "lovers," they are Katara and Zuko. AKA. Katara and my hot anime bae. XDD Their from one of my favorite TV shows called Avatar: the Last Airbender. (Which is a little bit of a *cough cough* strange show, but I love it. XDD)

Katara and Zuko aren't really a couple in the show, but I wish they were. Hence the ship name, Zutara. :P

I used a reference base photo for this drawing because *mumbles* I don't know how to draw kissing people. XDD I changed a few things up from the reference. Like, Zuko's right hand had only three fingers and a thumb. (How'd that happen??! XDDD) And Zuko's left hand was in a kind of strange position... So I made him running his hands through Katara's hair. Because that's what they do all the time in movies, right??? XD 

I was also thinking Katara is all shocked and embarrassed and Zuko's totally cool with kissing her. :P (And he's totally enjoying it, too...)

"Northern Lights"

I was feeling like drawing northern lights because I've never done that. And so I drew an abstract-y night sky and scenery. 

It wasn't supposed to be, but the little girl on the picture ended up looking a lot like the main character from Undertale, named Frisk. XD

One of my sisters, I think Lostfairy, said that the lights made her think of worms. XDD *laughs* I can totally see why!!

And Tracey thinks that the lights are like the northern lights in Owl City's Lucid Dreaming music video.

"Sad Draco"

I haven't read Harry Potter, but I really want to. And I've been looking in to it, and I really taken a liking to one character already. His name is Draco Malfoy. He's so tortured, how could I not like him? XDD And I saw this one picture where he's doing that same pose that's in my drawing, and I wanted to draw it. XD

I drew this with Lostfairy watching me and helping me again, because she is such a helpful and sweet and encouraging sister. ;) <3

It was fun drawing such sad eyes. XD I usually only draw eyes like that in doodles and not in actual drawings, because most of my people in my drawings are happy or serious, not super sad. :P

"Draco Malfoy"

Yes, I drew another Draco. XD He seems like such a cool character!! Even if he may be the bully... Um, yeah, that sounds weird. *laughs nervously* Heh, heh. Maybe he just doesn't know any better...? And, um, his outfit is... awesome! Ha. *shakes head at self* Yeah, no, that's not very convincing. XD

Pencil drawings are fun to do, and I got to try a technique I've been wanting to do a while. It's wear you draw a bunch of straight lines one way and the bunch more in a bunch of directions. Mhm, *nods* I know my snuff!!! XDD

It's called crosshatching and I learnt that trick from Manga Crash Course, best how to draw manga book ever. XDD

Anyway! I got to use the technique on Draco's sweater. 

I sometimes think that Draco's outfit looks a little like a anime schoolboy uniform. And I love school uniforms for some reason! XD (Though, I think I'd like them less if I had to wear one to school everyday... Yay, for homeschool! Where I can wear comfy sweats and baggy hoodies all day... XD)


*puts hands up and backs way and smiles sheepishly* So I'm a little obsessed with Draco right now! Heh! That's not weird. Right? Heh, heh. *rubs the back of neck nervously* 

I've seen quite a few drawings where people draw a lots of emotions of one person on one picture. And I thought it looked so cool, and I wanted to draw something like that, too. :) 

I drew neutral, angry, smug/happy, and sad. I first drew the basic shapes for all the Draco's, so I'd know if I had enough room. And once I was done that a drew them all one by one. It was really fun! I don't think I've drawn one person so many times, it's crazy! XD 

The angry one looks super pouty mad. XDD And my neutral face for Draco is slightly grumpy or sad. :P

Oh! *is excited* Do you like how I have the smug Draco holding an apple?!!! There's a ship name for Draco and his apple! XDD Drapple!!!! :O XD He's often holding a green apple, so people think him and an apple are a great couple. XDDDD

You have no idea how hard it was drawing an apple to fit nicely in Draco's hand... I had to redraw and redraw and redraw. But I think it paid off. :P

It's so sad when Draco cries. He's not really the most pretty crier, but that's one of the reasons it's so sad. I made the sad Draco in my drawing have a tear in one eye. 3:

I didn't have enough time to color the Draco emotions picture before I posted this, so later I'll show you how it looks like finished.

- - -

XD I hope that wasn't too much Draco for you! Don't worry, though, I'm mostly sure that the next time I post art won't have a million, trillion, billion Draco pictures. XDD *whispers* Maybe, just, you know, a couple... Nothing too crazy. 

So, that was my art from the past couple weeks. What do you think? Are you looking forward to summer as much as I am?!

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Tales of the Month

Hey guys!!!

Whew, this week has been busier than usual and totally not busier, at the same time. XD I had an emergency orthodontist appointment and a couple of other appointments and went to my church's youth group, which is a bit of a drive from where I live, and of course, there was school, but it was good. :) I went to youth with my two sisters and we had so much fun! :D

Alright, enough about life stuff (for now XD) and on to bookish things!

The Last Thing I Remember by Andrew Klavan

This book is about: Charlie wakes up one day and he is strapped to chair and being tortured. But he has no idea how or why he's there. All he remembers is that he went to bed after a completely normal day with a pretty girl's number written on his hand. And now he has to figure how to get out of this and not get killed in the process.

This book was so good!!! I've read it twice before but reading it for the third time was just as good the other times! I like how the author gives pieces of Charlie's last day he can remember slowly. And Charlie's a really normal guy and reading from his point of view, you can totally tell that he is. The writing in the book is super fast to read, because there are short chapters and small sentences. And I also really love how morally upright Charlie, he stands up for what he believes in and doesn't let anyone tell him otherwise. Yes, he stumbles sometimes, but he keeps going back to what he knows is right. 

The Stolen Chapters by James Riley

This book is about: Owen and Kiel find themselves in a burning library with a creepy masked detective telling them that they must solve the mystery if they ever want to see Bethany again. But they don't remember how they got to the library or who the masked boy is. Owen always hated mysteries and now he seems to be living one. And Kiel lost all his magic, so how are they going to get out of this mess and save Bethany?

Hmm, seems like I all I read this month is memory loss books. XDD  *squeals* Can Owen and Kiel get any cuter???! Seriously, every time there was a scene with one or both, they did something adorably cute and maybe stupid. XDD I say stupid in a endearing way. The first nine or ten chapters of the book are called stolen chapters because most of the writing is black out and only a few words are visible. And as the book goes on the author reveals what was written in those chapters. 

The Dragonet Prophecy by Tui T. Sutherland

This book is about: Clay has always lived in a cave with no way outside because it's not safe. He and his four friends have been told for as long as they can remember that they are the special dragonets who are supposed to stop the war that has been going on for twenty years. But how will they stop a war if they don't even know how the sun feels on their scales? They haven't even been able to talk to other dragons beside their three guardians and each other. They want freedom, not fate. It time they make their own choices.

It was so cool to read this book as a graphic novel! The pictures were beautiful colored and the dragonets had so much emotion! I love going back to read about the first arc in the Wings of Fire series, it made me love it more. <3 The artists were very talented and the backgrounds were really awesome looking! XD If you haven't read the Wings of Fire yet, you totally should and then read this graphic novel!! It's amazing. :O

Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger

This book is about: Sophie can read minds and that makes her a standout from everyone. No one understands her and she feels like she's all alone, even in her own family. Then she finds out there is a world, called Eternalia, out there where people are like her. She wants to find more about it. When Sophie gets there, with the help of a blue eyed boy named Fitz, she is told she cannot go back to her earth because she is an elf, like the people who welcomed her in to Eternalia. And elves are forbidden to go to earth. Soon, she goes to a school where elves are taught how to use their powers. And, as she struggles to fit in, she finds out her mind holds memories that shouldn't be there. And people would kill to know those secrets.

This book looks like it should be an adventure kind of book. It's not. If you are expecting that, you will probably be very disappointed. But! If you read the book expecting a magic school story, you'd be fine! Because that's basically what it is. XD The main character is twelve and she's different than most twelve year old's in books. Most of them think they can do things without the help of an adult (and somehow they can! XD I don't think I could do what most twelve year old kids do in books. XDD), but Sophie, well, she goes to the adults she trusts most and tells them her problems. And then she lets them deal with it! :O Like what! I know that's what I would've done when I was that age, but a book twelve year old wouldn't! XD I just found it kinda of interesting that she did that. And I kinda felt like her powers came too easy for her. (There was only like two subjects in school that she struggled with. And all the rest she could do wonderfully at with her perfect photographic memory. :P)

And, you know what's weird? I can point out more things that aren't super well done in the book, but I still enjoyed it, surprisingly. I can't deny that two of reasons why I want to keep reading the series is because of how beautiful the covers are drawn and I want to know who the cute guys are on the fifth book are. XDD

The Keeper of the Lost Cities makes me think of an anime show I've watched a couple of episodes called Uta no Prince-Sama. In the show, there's like six to ten guys that are friends with the one main girl character. And most of guys like that one girl. XDD And in The Keeper of the Lost Cities, Sophie's friends are mostly guys, who like her, and there are a bunch more guys in the school that like her, too. XDD

Oh! In case you plan to read this book, the guy on the cover is not Fitz. And even though it sounds like Fitz would be the most important guy in the book, he's not. :( That guy on the cover is a boy named Dex. XD

- - -

I went to a craft store and bought myself a pencil sharpener. I needed one because the one that my family owns breaks the lead on colored pencils a bit too much for my liking. :P 

When I got home, I opened the package up and admired at my new sharpener. It looks pretty cool. XD 


There's one problem.

I have no idea how to open it to empty the pencil shavings.


Everything I do doesn't work! >:( XD  I think I will need to look it up. :P

I don't know why I felt like saying that. XDD 

Welp! I hope you have an awesome weekend!!!

Have you been reading lots lately? I haven't been reading as much I'd like to. XD Oops.