
Monday, January 1, 2018

Here's to New Adventures

Happy New Year!!! That's right! I'm posting for the second time it two weeks on a MONDAY. XD I just felt like I needed to post something today. In case you can't read what it says on the picture, it reads "To live will be an awfully big adventure. -Peter Pan."

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Life's full of adventures. Sure, maybe they aren't all fighting monsters or learning that you're a wizard or going through a magical wardrobe, but their still adventures. 

Do you remember that compliment someone gave you that made your day?

Or that time when the sun was shining and you felt like it was shining just for you?

Do you remember laughing so hard you were crying? 

Or that time you tried something you've never done before and you weren't sure it would work, but it did?

Or that time when someone you loved left you?

Do you remember that time when you found the One who loves you more than you could ever imagine? 

Sometimes adventures are just small moments in life. Sometimes they're life changing ones. Whatever they are, they are still adventures. 

Life is a story waiting to be told. Live out the dreams and wishes you have. Don't be afraid to try new things. Even if you may fail, get back up again. 

Something I've told myself a lot this past year is "enjoy every minute of every day." I'm not saying that there isn't hard stuff in life, I'm just saying look to the One who holds your heart. (That's something I really need to work on.) He can fix anything that is broken.  

Life is so much better if you give it your all and try new things and learn to laugh more.

"To live will be an awfully big adventure." -Peter Pan


  1. Chloe, this is absolutely, spectacularly beautiful. You made my heart swell with just a few words--this is the perfect post to kick off a new adventure, and I hope and pray that 2018 will be the biggest, bestest adventure for you yet! *bear hugs*

    1. Thank you so much! But I don't think I can take the credit for this post. God just gave me the words. :3 I'm glad they spoke to you. c:

      Same to you, Tracey! *bear huggles back*

  2. (That art is so beautiful :o)
    Amazing post ^.^ I am excited for 2018! 2017 was meh XD! Here's to a good year ;)

    1. (Tank you!!! ^.^)

      Thank you! Me too! 2018 here we come, whether you're ready or not!! XD (I'm sorry 2017 was meh for you! D:) Yes, cheers to the new year! :D


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