
Saturday, November 18, 2017

Oodles of Doodles!

Oh my goodness, guys!!! I can't believe I didn't post last week. DX I wrote down this whole post and I set a time for it to go up and it didn't get published. I am so sorry. I did not even check to see if it had gone up at all during the week. Gah! D: Here's the post I would have posted last week.

And I also want to say before I start the post... Happy Thanksgiving to all my American faeries!!! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. :3

[I added the words and frame but I did not take the picture of the lined paper. Here's the source.]
That's right! I doodle. Quite often, actually. I usually start doodling in school when I'm getting bored. :P I haven't done as much doodling in school this year as I did last year but, still, I can't help but do it every now and then. XD 

I did these doodles when I should have been doing science. Oops. XD 

As you can see, I like doodling faces most of the time in school. I like trying new eyes all the time.

This is, again, during science so please excuse the random equations. :P

Sometimes my faces look like they could be the same person but with different expressions. Like the face on the bottom right on the picture above this one and the face on the right on this picture look like they are the same person.*

*I don't think I meant to have that happen. XD

I sometimes draw in red pen when I'm doing school because it's fun and bright. :D I did just about all of these doodled faces in one sitting.* XD I think these are some of my favorite faces I've doodled this year.

*Guess you can tell I was bored. :P

I have this notebook with a sleeping cat on the cover and I think I got it when I was around ten years old. And I named it my "doodle book." And I took family gatherings all the time when I was younger.*

And, anyway, I doodled this in my doodle book. It was a really quick drawing and I didn't care much about how it looked in the end. :P It's a drawing of the new set of main characters in The Wings of Fire series. I had felt like drawing them in chibi human form. And that's what happened.

From left to right is: Winter, Moon, Kinkajou, and Qibli.

*XD I still do. It's perfect when you don't want to talk to anybody. :P

Here's another quick doodle. :) It's just of some random girl I came up with.

I drew this during my youth's Bible study last week. XD I really like the way the smiley face on the top right looks.

I felt like drawing a person crying because I don't do it that much and I need the practice. 

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Sorry that this is such a short post with more pictures than words. I just don't have any words really to say. :( Sorry again.

Do you guys doodle much? If you do, where do you doodle the most? In church? School? Somewhere else entirely?

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Caraval - a Book Review

Alright, faeries, I know what you're thinking, this is a magical book about carnivals and clowns and romance. Right? Wrong! This book is not about carnivals. You were right about one thing. It has romance. :P But no carnivals, no clowns, no elephants, no ringleaders, no unicycles. No, wait, scratch that. It does include a unicycle.

Yeah Points
  • The place called Caraval is so awesome! There was an air of mystery about the whole island and its inhabitants. And you're not sure who to trust and what's really real. And, like they often remind you in the book, "it's just a game...
  • The way the Stephanie Garber describes the Scarlett's emotions is very unique. Scarlett feels in color and then the author says what the feelings are behind the colors. It made the book really beautiful sounding and poetic. I enjoyed it. :) Here's a quote from it:

 “Shades of the rich ruby love she’d felt during the game mixed with hues of deep-indigo hurt, turning everything just a little bit violet.”  -Stephanie Garber, Caraval

  • Julian was a dashing young man and quite clever. He had a Captain Hook (from Once Upon a Time) and Carswell Thorne (from The Lunar Chronicles) feel to him. 
  • Legend was a very intriguing character. I'd like to learn more about him in the second book, Legendary. 
  • The book had a very different take on magic. It was hard to tell real magic from fancy tricks in Caraval. There definitely was some real magic, but it didn't always come the way you think magic would. 

I really only have one thing against this book and it was, sadly, a rather major thing in the plot; and it was the romance. 

Nah Points, Ahem, I mean, Nah Point

  • I really, really, really wanted to love the romance between Scarlett and Julian totally. But I couldn't. I just can't. There were to many incidents where Julian or someone else (like Dante) was looking at Scarlett lustfully. Like, ew, why. And Julian had to pretend to be Scarlett's fiance which meant that they had to have the same room in a hotel. And Julian did not seem to mind that problem one bit. (Double yuck.) Thankfully, Scarlett could avoid anything bad from happening. Here's a example of Julian's... "charm":  

“Inside the house, violin music, richer than the darkest chocolate, started playing. It seeped outside and whispered to Scarlett as Julian’s smile turned seductive, all shameless curves and immoral promises. An invitation to places that proper young ladies didn’t think about, let alone visit.”  -Stephanie Garber, Caraval

How could I root for any of the guys in the book when they acted like that?

Also on a side note, there were a few characters that got drunk. :/ Phooey.

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All in all, I did enjoy the book. It was written quite well and I truly wish those distasteful things weren't in there, but they were. So I'll just have to live with it. But I wouldn't recommend this book to younger readers at all. I think I'll give this book 3 stars.

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I want to say... Happy Remembrance Day to all my Canadian readers!!!! And happy Veteran's Day to all my American readers!!! I'm so glad we live in such awesome countries!!! :D   

Have any of you faeries read this book? If not, will you? And if you have, what did you think? And what do you think of my nickname for you readers? Does "faeries" sound good to you? :D   

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Books of October + This Needs a Better Name

Wow! It feels like October really flashed right by.* :O I can't believe that it's the 4th of November already! 

I've been making this a monthly thing, writing about the books I've been reading. When I started doing it this last month I was gonna just do my favorite books I've read in the past month. Now I decided I'm going to change that and do any books I've read and feel like talking about. And this series of posts needs to have a better name. I tried to come up with names but they are all really cheesy. XD I wrote a list of names and you guys can tell which is best or you can suggest a totally different name in the comments.

Beware! The names you'll read below may be too cheesy and awful. If you get hurt in the process of reading them, Faeries and Folklore will not be responsible for it.  

  • Faery Good Books
  • Books, Books and More Books
  • Tales of the Month (credit to my bro for this name. XD )
  • Folkish Books
  • Opus of the Month (credit to my sis, Lostfairy, for this one)**
  • Reading Creations (credit again to Lostfairy)
  • Reads I've Been Reading 

Yeah, that was all I could come up with. :( Thank you, Josiah and Lostfairy for your help!!! It was much appreciated! XD

Now on to the post I promised you all! 

*Wink, wink. Did you see what I did there? XD

**Opus means books. XD
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The Kill Order by James Dashner

I don't know what to say about this book. I have such mixed emotions about it. I really, really loved the story and plot and snuff, buuuut there were a few more swear words in this book than in the first three books.* What I did like about the book was that we finally got to see what the world was like after the Flare and before the Cranks were around and before WICKED stuck their noses into EVERYTHING! *glares at WICKED disapprovingly* The book had a very different feel to it, but it was also very much the same as the other books.**

I'm really looking forward to reading the final book in The Maze Runner series! 

*That was kinda disappointing. :( 

**That makes, like, zero sense when I say it that way, but it's true! XD

Crossed by Ally Condie

I loaf this series so much! XD This book again had a slight hint of bitter sweetness about it. I love the romance between the characters.* I'm not sure if I liked this book as much as the first one, but it still is a book I would buy and recommend. :) I liked how the book was from both Cassia's and Ky's point of view. I loved learning bits and pieces of their past, it was so sweet and sometimes heartbreaking. 

*Ky is my one of my book baes. XD  

Cake Pop Crush by Suzanne Nelson

If you have not picked up a Suzanne Nelson book, what are you waiting for?! Go pick one up NOW!!!!  XD Seriously, though, they are so good. I've read Cake Pop Crush before but it was just as good the second time round as it was the first. This was the first ever Suzanne Nelson book I read and it has a special place in my heart. ^.^ The relationships between all the characters was so enjoyable and cute. Dane was a real cutie. XD

The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkin

This book is such a fabulous classic. The humor and style is priceless. ^.^ I've read this book a long time ago and reread again last month. I forgot most of what happened so it kinda felt like a new-ish read for me. I loved the characters way more reading it this time round and I was far more connected to the story than before, too. Bilbo is such a sweet little hobbit. And Gandalf has this uncanny ability to come when he's needed most. XD It's great! 

If you haven't read this book yet, you totally should! 

Save the Cupcake! by Lisa Papademetriou

I love reading this book so much! The characters feel so real. And the recipes in the book are really unique!* The book is a beautifully written story about friendships and how they can change for better or for worse. So the book can kind of feel really sad but there's a enough happiness in the book for it to be a middle grade novel. 

*I haven't tried them out yet, so I don't know if they taste good. XD

Sticks and Stones by Sarah Mlynowski, Lauren Myracle, Emily Jenkins

Like the first book in the Upside-Down Magic series, this book was a delightful, quick read! The story and characters are just as charming as they were before. And in Sticks and Stones the authors write the book from two of the characters' point of view, instead of one. :D I loved learning more about Bax's backstory in this book. 

Wayfarer by R. J. Anderson

Wayfarer is sooo different from the first in the series, Faery Rebels! Honestly, I'm not sure if I like that or not. In the first book I loved Knife and Paul together tons, and in the second one I liked Linden and Timothy together buuuut not nearly as much. :/ I wish I had liked this book more because the first book is one of my favorites now and I wanted the second book to live up to that. 

Don't get me wrong, I really did enjoy Wayfarer! I liked seeing what the world looked like from outside the Oak and the new magical abilities were really cool. It just simply wasn't my favoritest book in the whole wide world. :P

Unblemished by Sara Ella

This book was good and kinda cheesy at times. I'm not sure if there were too many deaths that weren't actually deaths. Like if the main character thinks a person is dead, they most likely are not; and if someone else in the book says someone is dead, they are more likely to ACTUALLY be dead. The romance in there wasn't too bad. I like Ky and Joshua a fair bit.* But the main reason I want to read the next book is the epilogue. Seriously, it's the epilogue that draws me in to read more.  

*There is way too many Ky's (or Kai's) in the book world. DX :P  
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How was your month? Did you get lots of reading done? Have you read any of the books I talked about? Which post series name do you like best? Do you have a better name?